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  • 500 g mango, frozen
  • 100 g greek yogurt, fat free


  • Blend the frozen mango and greek yogurt in a food processor until smooth consistency. (not too long otherwise it will be too liquid)
  • Add your favorite toppings and enjoy immediately!


Alternatively you can replace the greek yogurt by coconut milk. But be careful not to pour too much as it’s very high in calorie (I’d say 10ml per serving)
For the toppings, I added blueberries and 10g of coconut flakes. But feel free to use your creativity ( or what’s available in your kitchen) to create your own version 🙂
Notes: Eat it as soon as you have made it before it melts!
If you wanna make a big batch you can put it in a container and store in the freezer but it’ll become very hard and you’ll need to take it out and leave it at room temperature about 30min before serving.
Calories: 118kcal